Artillery Shells
To get case pricing on artillery shells go to "Case Pricing" page, and scroll to bottom.
6 - 1 3/4” shells. Black Box, Crackling or Whistling artillery shells. These are the best 1 3/4" shells on the market. Will go 100' feet up with good size breaks and loud reports.
Blackbox Artillery..........................................................................$ 12.00
Whistling Artillery..........................................................................$ 12.00
Crackling Artillery..........................................................................$ 12.00
3 Pack Special...............................................................................$ 34.00
6" PYRO CHAOS .........................................................................................................................................................................$32.00
6 shell, 6" canisters: Biggest artillery shell we have in stands. Pyro Caos 6 Shell has 6 maximum load, 60 gram cannisters with various and MASSIVE effects such as crackles and brocades.,
One for the Dough.........................................................................................................................................................................$33.00
8 Shells, 14 Breaks: Best 1 3/4" shells on the market. Greatv color and very loud.
Texas Blast........................................................................................................................................................................................$99,50
24 Shells, 5" Canister - New extra big with 24 assorted shells. This is the biggest 5" shell on the market.
24 Shells, 4” Canister – High powered canister break artillery shells with patented HDPE tube and base. This shell sets the mark for high-powered artillery shells. Number 1 selling canister shell in the world!
Scorpion 5" Canister Shells........................................................................................................................................................$121.50
24 shells, 5” Canister - This is the industry's first 5" canister shell. This is truly the biggest shell on the market. Don't wait as we have a limited supply.
Four for the Money........................................................................................................................................................................$104.00
32 - 1 3/4” shells, 56 Breaks. Best 1 3/4" shells on the market. Includes 16-Singles, 8 Doubles, and 8 Triples.